
Voice Broadcasting XML
Send Phone Messages Using Voice XML
Using technology from Database Systems Corp. (DSC), phone messages can be broadcast to individuals or groups that are automatically initiated by an external process. This could be an environment change triggered from a web service or computer activated alarm. DSC uses Voice XML messaging to initiate these voice broadcasts.
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) is a leading provider of computer telephony products including voice broadcast solutions using XML and VXML technology.
What Is Voice XML?
VoiceXML (VXML) is a format for specifying interactive voice dialogues between a human and a computer. This standard allows IVR and voice applications to be developed and deployed in a way similar to how HTML is used for web applications.
Our phone messaging services with VXML messaging lets you automatically send phone messages from your computer system to our phone systems using XML push logic.
Alerts can be broadcast to tenants in a building if there is a fire or disaster. This can be triggered automatically by sensors that initiate an emergency phone broadcast by sending a signal over the internet or by phone.
Other applications may be as simple as wakeup calls or weather alerts that are triggered automatically from your own computer systems or websites.
Contact Database to learn more about our voice broadcasting XML software and automatic messaging systems.
Envirocon, Inc.
"Envirocon, Inc has worked in the building automation industry for over 25 years providing total solutions that respond to the customers needs and work within the budget constraints provided. Envirocon specializes in offering the following services for the commercial, industrial and residential markets. Temperature control systems complete with Web access to allow the site owner to adjust and control their building remotely." - www.envirocon.net
Envirocon utilizes our call center services and technology to broadcast emergency evacuation notifications to tenants of its buildings.
Using its sensors and telecommunications equipment that are located within a building, Envirocon initiates an emergency voice broadcast using our message broadcasting services whenever its sensors detect a fire.
Voice Broadcast XML and How It Works
Voice broadcast XML messages can be easily generated from your existing computer applications and sent to DSC's call center to initiate a phone broadcast. DSC supports several "canned" Voice XML message formats, but can support virtually any format that fits your requirements.
To send voice messages to be delivered to one or thousands or call recipients, simply send the appropriate instructions to our phone server. These instructions typically include the following information:
- Voice file containing phone message to be delivered (or)
- Text file containing message to be converted to speech
- Call recipient phone number(s) (or)
- List of phone numbers already maintained on our phone system.
- Date and time of delivery.
- Any special instructions.
Contact Database Systems Corp.
Contact Us Today to learn more about our voice broadcasting XML software and phone solutions.